
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Audi refuses platform Porsche developing a new R8

Earlier it was reported that the company Porsche is developing single modular platform, providing a central location, or back of the power unit - it could have been built many brands of sports cars that are part of the concern VW. In particular, they talked about the next generation Audi R8 and the Lamborghini Gallardo. But, apparently, the transition to a single platform delayed: The successor to the current R8, which is due in 2014, will receive a platform developed by designers Audi.
New Audi R8 photo
New Audi R8 photo

Side image of Audi R8
Side image of Audi R8

Front picture of Audi R8
Front picture of Audi R8

As the portal Car & Driver, it relates to the maturity of the new Audi R8 output to the market: the Audi was too deep in his own work on the platform and just do not have time to redesign the sports car with making Porsche. It is known that for the next generation R8 use thoroughly modernized and enlarged "cart" of this sports car. In the process of modernization, it should be pretty easier, as Audi plans to widely use CFRP body structure. Part of new ways of working with composite materials have been demonstrated on the concept by Crosslane, shown in Paris.